During this difficult and unprecedented time, I am working with all of my clients via telehealth. I can offer therapy sessions through phone calls or using face-to-face video conferencing. I am accepting new telehealth clients at this time.
Dr. Ashley B. Hurdle, PhD, MFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT #89073) practicing in Calabasas, CA. Ashley offers therapy with individuals, from teen through adult. Ashley is currently offering telehealth / video-conferencing sessions with clients located anywhere in CA.
Dr. Ashley wrote an article for LA Parent Magazine on the topic of mother self-care. Click Here to Read
Dr. Ashley wrote an article for Residency New York magazine about the intersection of Perfume and the Psyche. Ashley is interested in the power of scent and it's influence on the mind and body. Click to read a copy of the article: